+91 99108 99828


Natwari Gurugram

Natwari Gurugram, which along with Natwari Mumbai is the primary academy of the Janakiprasaad style of Kathak for the Banaras Gharana in India. The Academy’s year-round program provides formally structured education in traditional Classical Kathak for children (ages 5 years and above) as well as adults. Students receive foundational training in kathak dance technique as well as supplemental training in Hindustani classical music.

The academy’s curriculum also provides in-depth education in the historical, philosophical, and cultural context that surrounds the dance form. As students advance, they have the opportunity to study and train at the pre-professional level with some of today’s leading Indian classical dance and music artists. Take a look at our FAQ for more information.

Natwari Gurugram offers classes in Gurugram, India. You can find the exact loca=on here. However, its sister organiza ons offer classes in Mumbai, Hong Kong and New York. Please get in touch for more informa on here.
Yes, absolutely. We welcome new students throughout the year.
It’s never too late to start! We have students of all ages, including many mothers who are 30 and 40+. People join for different reasons and there is a niche for everyone at Natwari Gurugram.
We require all new students to start in the Founda=on Level I class, regardless of prior training, as material and techniques do vary from one gharana to another. We place a strong importance on students aTaining a solid founda=on in kathak technique and taal (Rhythm). It is important to note that students with prior dance experience do tend to progress faster than others if they are consistent in their aTendance and individual prac=ce.
We appreciate your interest in dancing with us! We deeply value the guru-shishya parampara and the philosophies with which we approach our training. It’s important that dancers spend =me studying and training in these philosophies first before being considered to dance in our professional company
Students who are interested in accelera=ng their progress can do so by taking advantage of all the supplemental educa=onal programs offered by Natwari Gurugram. These include annual intensives, retreats, annual assessments, and performance opportuni=es. We regularly find that those students who are consistent in their aTendance and individual prac=ce, and take full advantage of supplemental ac=vi=es progress at an accelerated rate.
Numerous performance opportuni=es are available to students at Natwari Gurugram. All students perform in an annual recital performance and also have the opportunity to par=cipate in numerous community performances throughout the year at fes=vals, cultural programs, and house concerts. In order to par=cipate in performances, students must demonstrate strong knowledge and ability in the dance (as measured by in-class evalua=ons), consistent aTendance, and individual prac=ce.
Students should wear a kurta (preferably coTon) to class with churidar or legging. Hair should be =ed back in a neat bun or a braid. Long braids should be pinned to kurtas to avoid injury during swi[ turns.
Yes, we do offer private classes a[er a student has cleared the founda=on level. Please note the charges for private classes will vary from that of group classes.

For registra=on informa=on, click here.

 Yes. All new students are encouraged to aTend a free trial class.

A cri=cal skill for all kathak dancers is the ability to improvise. Improvising requires a
highly aware and aTuned mind, as well as the ability to grasp and retain material quickly. At
Natwari Gurugram, we aim to begin developing this skill early. U=lizing videos as an aid to
learning interferes with the ability to train a sharp mind and memory. As a result, we do not
allow students or parents to video classes. We do however have ample tools and materials
to help students in their study and prac=ce. These materials are available through our
Learning Center.

Discover the enchantment of Kathak with Aruna! Contact her for captivating performances, workshops, and regular classes.

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